With a push to digitize anything and everything, people tend to forget about ways to advertise and market that have worked in the past.
Direct mail marketing will drive website traffic.
What do you do when you receive a piece of direct mail? Maybe you immediately decide to purchase something, maybe you head to the website, or maybe you save it for later or just throw it out. One way or another, eyes are seeing these ads.
There are numerous reasons why direct mail deserves a spot in your marketing strategy, the following are just a few.
Benefits of Direct Mail Marketing
1. Response Rate of Direct Mail
Personally when I read a physical book, I retain the information more than I would if I were reading a digital copy on a screen. This is true for advertising as well.
When a customer has a tangible copy of something in their hands, they are more likely to remember that information over an email, social media, or paid search.
Direct mail has a 5.1% response rate compared to 0.6% for email and 0.6% for paid search. This is a huge jump in response.
2. Effectiveness of Direct Mail
When you receive an email, even if you signed up for it, how often do you sit down and read that email? It probably either sits unread or gets sent to the trash.
What about an ad on google? Do you trust the “top” search when it clearly is labeled ad and you know you were targeted? It may not be the best service or product.
What about a banner ad on the side of a website? Can you even remember one you’ve seen in the last couple days.
With the influx of so much digital advertisements, it’s hard to be memorable or stand out. Using direct mail, you can get a hard copy in a customer’s hand which can then drive them to your digital footprint.
3. Direct Mail Targeting
Wichita has a very diverse community. The east side is very different from the west side which are both different than the North or the south sides.
The BEST Of Kansas has separate publications for each of these areas! Many of our business customers target multiple areas, but some just aren’t relevant to their business or service. We help them reach their main target base without having to do the targeting work themselves.
For a more detailed analysis on why direct mail is NOT dead, visit expert marketer Neil Patel's blog https://neilpatel.com/blog/direct-mail-effectiveness/.
For examples of our publications, view our online version here: https://www.thebestofks.com/digital-publications
Many people consider direct mail dead. This is the farthest thing from the truth. Direct mail belongs in your marketing strategy and The BEST Of Kansas can help you do that for as little as $0.02 / home. We mail out to over a million homes a year.
Contact us today and let’s talk over how we can help you incorporate Direct Mail into your strategy today!
Not to be confused with the progressive rock band of the 80's Kansas, The BEST Of Kansas offers a great place to advertise your local business. We are a LOCAL publication serving Kansans for over 18 years.
Kansas Hometown Publication
One of the benefits of working with BEST Of Kansas is that we are a local company who supports local companies. We are based right here in the greater Wichita area.
We are committed to the principles of honesty and integrity, both with our clients who advertise in the publications, and also with your potential customers who receive our mailing.
All of our staff are dedicated to providing you with prompt, courteous and professional customer service.
BEST Of Kansas is a unique, innovative, FREE direct mail publication that is mailed to hundreds of thousands of homes. We reach many of the people you love to call friends and neighbors. We will help you to soon be able to call them CLIENTS!
Our in-house design team is dedicated to the professional creative presentation of your business in our publication. Your satisfaction is their guarantee!
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It can be a struggle to find good quality coupons in Wichita. If you move or buy a new house, you may receive a one off pack of decent coupons. Or occasionally you might receive a postcard in the mail from a car dealership with a "coupon". But how often do you get a great magazine full of great coupons delivered to your mailbox on a monthly or bi-monthly basis?
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